7 Website Design Best Practice tips for 2022

No business denies the importance of website design, but very few know and follow website design best practice.

Science and research have proven that visual appearance has a huge impact on user engagement on a website. You must have read the statistics on website design and that you have less than a second to make a first impression.

Your website design is the first thing that visitors experience, and it takes them just around 50 milliseconds to decide whether they want to stay or bounce off to another site so the stakes are high.

How do you create a website that keeps visitors hooked and grabs their attention?

This is where following best practice for website design comes into play.

7 Website Design Best Practices to Follow

You don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Stick with what works.

How the human brain processes visuals and behavioral psychology principles haven’t changed, so you just need to follow proven web design practices and techniques. And what exactly are those?

Here is a list of 7 of the best website design practices that are sure to boost conversion rate, engagement, session duration, and revenue:

  1. Clean color scheme
  2. Use of white space
  3. Effective typography
  4. Simple navigation
  5. Prominent CTAs
  6. Reduce friction
  7. Mobile responsiveness

1. Color Scheme

If there has to be one website design best practice, it should be understanding color psychology.

A lot of businesses take colors for granted during the website design process. Colors, however, have a significant impact on user behavior and brand identity. Color scheme is a key visual element of the design process, you can’t ignore it.

Here is what research and science say:

You need to do two things when deciding on a color scheme for your website:

  1. Choose colors carefully. Every color has a different meaning attached to it. For example, red is known for increasing appetite, black relates to boldness, security, and authority, blue represents calmness, trust, and strength, and so on
  2. Keep the color scheme consistent to improve brand identity. This helps your target audience relate those colors to your brand.

Take Pepsi, for instance. The chances are you thought of their logo or branding colors the minute you read that brand name. Now look at their website:

Pepsi has always chosen blue from its logo to aluminum drink cans and bottle tags and caps. A blue website is consistent with its branding strategy. Customers already associate blue with Pepsi, and they’ve capitalized on that through their website.

Stop ignoring colors, they impact your business website and potential customers more than anything else.

2. White Space

It is the negative area and the space between elements on your web page. Any empty space between any two elements is known as white space or negative space. It is used to give visual breaks to the users, improve interaction, highlight prominent elements on a web page, and much more.

White space is the fundamental building block of web design. Here is an example of what negative space can do to your website design:

The website design with more white space is easy to read and makes CTA prominent. Research shows that white space increases comprehension by 20%. It also improves focus and attention. Elements that are surrounded by white space grab user attention and they can focus on the element easily.

Follow these web design best practices for using white space:

3. Typography

Typography is another important web design element that impacts readability, credibility, UX, conversions, and revenue.

A study found that 46% of consumers use visual elements including typography and font size to judge the credibility of a website and business. So, it isn’t what you write, but how you write and present it is also important.

You have been told that “content is the king” and it is true. But what’s more important than content is how the content is formatted and presented to the website visitors. The initial impression is design-related, so it should catch the attention of your target audience first, and then they will read what you have written.

The best copy, if not designed well, will fail.

Here is an example of how typography improves readability and the overall design and feel of your website:

Typography includes font styleappearance, and structure. This covers everything ranging from font style to its color to white space to visual hierarchy and more.

You need to focus on two things when using typography in the context of web design:

  1. It should be clear, readable, and visually appealing
  2. It must be consistent with your brand strategy and style guide.

Here are the website design best practices for typography:

4. Navigation

Often overlooked, navigation is a key website design component that helps visitors and search engines find what they are looking for. If visitors can’t navigate to the right place on your website, what’s the purpose?

The best way to accomplish an easily navigated website is to ask yourself what you would do if you were in your visitors’ place. And visitors expect nothing but simplicity.

study by Google found that people tend to find simple websites more appealing than complex ones. Sticking to a standard format and menu allows people to know exactly where to go. Adding a search bar in the menu is a great way to help visitors find what they are looking for.

Here is an example of how to keep navigation and website structure simple and understandable:

Navigation isn’t just about the site’s structure, it includes menus, footers, headers, widgets, search bar, and everything that helps visitors move from one point to another on your website. This is a reason why 94% of people say that website navigation is the most important feature of any business.

Navigation design is more important for mobile visitors. A survey found that 67% of mobile users will leave a website if its navigation is frustrating:

How to design perfect navigation for your website? Here are the best practices to follow:

5. Reduce Friction

Hick’s Law states that users take a longer time to make decisions when faced with several complex choices. Minimizing choices will improve decision-making time.

This law plays a key role in web design.

Friction reduction refers to reducing distractions and removing both visual and design elements that distract visitors from conversion. The human brain has limited power to process information and friction increases their cognitive load.

Suppose your website consists of a lot of options. In that case, you can highlight the ones you recommend to users on your website and utilize progressive onboarding that minimizes your visitors’ cognitive load. If the tasks are complex, you can break them down into smaller steps.

Instead of spoiling your website visitor for choice and overwhelming them, offer appropriate options that make the choice easy. An example of eliminating unnecessary options could be using the brand’s logo in lieu of a “Home” button to link back to your website’s homepage.

Examples of friction on your website include:

Here are the website design best practices for reducing friction:

6. Call to Action

Call to action (CTA) drives conversion and sales. The CTAs you use on the landing pages and throughout the website are an important part of website design since these are embedded in the design.

Where to add CTAs, what color scheme and contrast to use, what typography to use, and how to design it are some of the key aspects of CTA designing.

Sadly, 70% of businesses don’t use the call to action buttons and 72% of businesses don’t have CTAs on internal pages:

You don’t just have to add CTAs on all the pages throughout your website, but these must be well-designed, so visitors don’t ignore them. Ideally, the CTA should be the most prominent element on any given web page and visitors must be able to see it in less than a second.

How to design CTAs that stand out from the crowd and generate clicks and conversions? Here are the web design best practices for the call to action that you must follow religiously:

7. Responsiveness

Most visitors to your website use a mobile phone to access it. If you haven’t optimized your website for mobile devices, it won’t benefit you the way you want. Internet users spend over half their time online browsing through websites on their mobile phones.

Over 87% of smartphone users utilize their devices to perform at least one internet search a day. More than 64% of all searches are carried out using mobile phones. It’s no wonder that Google favors mobile-friendly websites on their results pages — 70% of results that come up on the first page are websites that are optimized for mobile phones.

The best way to rank high in the search engines is to optimize your website for mobile devices extensively. If your website isn’t mobile-friendly, chances are visitors won’t spend too much time on it. A whopping 73.1% of people will leave your website if it isn’t responsive:

Responsive design doesn’t mean your website should work seamlessly on all devices, but it is referred to as a mobile-first web design approach. You need to design your site for mobile first (as most people access your site from a mobile device) and then decide what’s visually and functionally necessary:

Follow these mobile-first web design best practices to make your website responsive, visually pleasing, and functional by eliminating unnecessary elements:

Best Website Design 2022 Examples

We have handpicked the best web design examples for inspiration and ideas across categories with a breakdown of what each site has done exceptionally well in terms of website design.

Let’s get some inspiration:

1. Best Homepage Website Design: Basecamp

What we love:

2. Best Color Scheme: HubSpot

What we love:

3. Best White Space: Google

What we love:

4. Best Typography: Apple

What we love:

5. Best Navigation Design: Shopify

What we love:

6. Best Frictionless Web Design: ActiveCampaign

What we love:

7. Best CTA: Hulu

What we love:

8. Best Responsive Website Design: WIRED

What we love:

Final Words

A well-designed website is crucial to the success of your business. Using the website design best practices covered in this article, you can improve your website’s design, convert more visitors, and increase profits.

By 2023, ecommerce purchases are expected to account for 22% of the global goods market. Consumers are attracted to well-designed websites. It’s up to you to hook and retain them with exceptional website design and relevant content that encourages them to take action.

While you don’t need to implement all these website design changes simultaneously, it’s best to pick one at a time, implement it, and test it. Website design changes need constant experimentation and A/B testing. It is a continuous process.

If you are not sure where to begin and how to take your website’s design to the next level, get in touch with us and see how our expert web designers can help you with your website redesign.

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